Vuba Resin Bound is 19 times more permeable than block paving!

Vuba Resin Bound is 19 times more permeable than block paving!

Revolutionising Sustainable Surfacing: Vuba's Breakthrough with The Flood Innovation Centre


The Test Rig and Methodology:

Alongside FLIC, we embarked on a groundbreaking project to investigate the permeability of Resin Bound Surfacing compared to block paving. This pioneering study utilised the BS EN 12697-19:2020 standard, which focuses on Bituminous mixtures and specifically Part 19: Permeability of specimen, to assess the performance of both surfacing solutions under simulated rainfall events. The test rig designed based on this standard, served as a comprehensive platform to evaluate the permeability of Vuba Resin Bound Surfacing versus block paving. The aim was to understand how efficiently each material could handle and manage rainfall, a crucial factor in sustainable construction.


Rainfall Simulation and Observations:

To emulate real-world conditions, The test involved a simulated rainfall event where approximately 37.5mm of rainfall fell over 35 minutes, with a peak intensity, commencing 10 minutes after the start of the model. During this controlled rainfall event, block paving demonstrated an alarming characteristic. It caused a staggering 82,000 litres of runoff to be rejected from its top surface, with only 28,000 litres permeating into the ground. In stark contrast, the Resin Bound Surfacing exhibited an exceptional ability to manage the rainfall. ALL the rainfall was able to percolate directly into the ground, resulting in zero runoff. This showcased the material's superior permeability and eco-friendliness.

These test results could potentially change the way surfacing materials are approached in the construction industry. Vuba Resin Bound displayed an impressive measured vertical permeability coefficient approximately 19 times higher than that of block paving.


Implications for Sustainability:

Resin Bound Surfacing's higher groundwater flow rate, attributed to its larger permeable surface area, allows for faster infiltration. Consequently, more rainfall reaches the groundwater, significantly reducing pressure on drainage systems. This decrease in surface runoff not only lessens the likelihood of flash flooding but also minimises the risk of raw sewage being pumped into our precious oceans.



Through rigorous testing, FLIC has established that Vuba Resin Bound Surfacing outperforms block paving by an astonishing 19 times in terms of permeability. The simulation showcased Resin Bound's ability to channel rainfall directly into the ground, eliminating surface runoff and mitigating the risk of flooding and water pollution.

As a result of this groundbreaking research, it is evident that Resin Bound Surfacing is the far more sustainable and eco-friendly surfacing solution. The implications for the construction industry are immense, as we now have a tangible alternative that can help contribute to a greener and more resilient built environment. Embracing such innovative solutions will undoubtedly play a vital role in shaping a brighter and sustainable future for our planet.

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