

Featured Story Easihold Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Welcome to our Easihold Frequently Asked Questions post! We've taken these from our Amazon page and what we receive through our sales@easi-hold.com email on a daily basis. Easihold 3L and 5L are available on Amazon Prime

We hope you find these questions and answers useful. We understand this is a new concept, and you have many questions. So if you don't see the answer to what you want to know below, then use the email address above and get in contact! Will Easihold darken the stones / give it a wet look?
Easihold dries clear (but is milky in large quantities) and will not change or add a colour to your stones. However, Easihold will bring out the natural colour of the stones - which is often interpreted as a change

Easihold Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Easihold Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Welcome to our Easihold Frequently Asked Questions post! We've take

What stones to Use with Easihold Stone Binder
What stones to Use with Easihold Stone Binder

Welcome to our blog post about what stones are best to use with our